Collaborative exhibition with the the gallery casa espacio
Opening 19.09.24 + guided tour
Closing 22.09.24 + guided tour
Two person exhibition with Renata Gelosi and Xiayu Zhang

This is a route that leads from one gallery to the other, discovering the path, observing the environment, the street, what remains, what is ephemeral, the territory, the neighborhood, the habitat and ourselves as part of the landscape.

The gallery acts as an open space.

The artists Xiayu Zhang and Renata Gelosi were invited to explore the pysical territory inbetween the galleries casa espacio and 200CENT. What formed was an intersection of the tradional conventions of a “gallery space” taken to the street, as well as the reverse- the “street” taken to the gallery space. 

By the travelers Renata Gelosi and Xiayu Zhang.

_____Renata Gelosi_____ 
Walking and collecting are the pillars of her artistic quest. Their work is characterised by the interaction of different disciplines with which they raise concerns and reflections on the uses of language, the silent contemplation of the environment and the passage of time. Their practices revolve around transversal and participatory learning.

_____Xiayu Zhang_____ 
here/there, east/west, them/us, presence/absence, rebel/intimate... caught in the in-betweeness of everyday life, Xiayu's autobiographical narrative does not claim any characteristic style, but transforms her inner and outer world - personal experiences, memories and feelings - into portals of connection with the audience.

Path / route / trail / walk / track / journey / crossing 

Find more of Xiayu Zhang’s work here.
Find more of Renata Gelosi‘s work here.

Discover casa espacio here.

200 CAMINOS A CASA  ---------------  A dialogue between casa espacio and 200CENT ------------------