0201 Thoughts Out Loud 

Solo exhibition
Sergei Nemudrov

            This intervention with Sergei Nemudrov commences as a conversation with the viewer, one who is an observer and contemplative. The viewer is not met with a demonstration that is provocative nor colorful, but rather one that is organic in comparison to the surrounding context. There is no necessity to chew up the information presented. The artist transports the observer to their favored environment, a space characterized by a continuous and consistent flow — a movement that stands alone in its perfection, unbound by rigid shapes.

For Sergei, this exhibition is chosen to be an opportunity to create an oasis in the city. An opposition takes form as there is a contrast between what has been assembled in the space and where the viewer has immediately entered from. It is an origin and a margin of strength for the artist, realized through an overcast forest and natural tones, utilizing organic material and a sonic interference.

“I want to give the viewer an opportunity to learn to listen, reflect and contemplate. The central idea of the exhibition is a thought that has taken shape, has become tangible and non-ideal. You can hear it, touch it and even be disappointed in it, but it is there nonetheless”

Sergei Nemudrov is a Russian multi-disciplinary artist based in Barcelona. His work is oftentimes presented in a non-traditional context, as an intervention into the location he finds himself. Through post-graffiti and anti-structure, Sergei’s work runs parallel to the natural world and its inherent rhythm.

To close the exhibition we invited Sergei to paint our persiana, he offered to make it a communal process and we worked together to construct the current design.

Find out more about Sergei and his work here.