Collaborative exhbition
with LODKA

LODKA — small sailing boat. (rus.) 

LODKA is a contemporary culture exchange platform- traveling through the invisible walls, bringing the modern diverse art from one side to another. The mission of LODKA is to let people from all over the world see, exchange, share, and create art no matter where they are located. 

The idea of this show is to represent the culture that exists on the other side of the wall. Creative people everywhere are going through similar experiences, and we want to bring the audience together to reflect on this topic. 

The collection of pieces for this show combines diverse contemporary art in different mediums: paintings, sculpture, photography, video, and more. 

This is a post-Soviet exhibition; its artists and artwork speak to the necessity of compassion, speak in favor of the freedom of speech, in favor of self-expression, in favor of peace and in protest of imperialism. This exhibition required immense amounts of effort in order to move and transport the art pieces to a place where the environment allowed and permitted these kinds of values—200CENT is the kind safe haven for self-expression and is proud to be the necessary bridge needed for humanity to reach across its aisles amongst the seas of vitriol, and mass information—in order to focus on our underlying and shared humanity.

Discover more about LODKA and their cultural exchange platform here.